I dot. I suppose the dot is limitless. The dot can exist as a barrier sealing something out, and it can be a space you peer into. Is zero infinite? Overlapping circles describe a deep space. Maybe the thing you are looking at isn’t a dot at all, but a circular grouping of thousands of smaller dots. Maybe this is why I often use materials in a repetitive way.
I am a dot. I think of myself as one person amidst a larger body of people. My work often focuses on the degrees of connection between my friends and family within a circular ring. I often draw connections between these relationships in ways similar to the structure of atoms, like those models we used to look at in science class, but they aren’t really that simple. Focusing on differing degrees of connection the relationships between units becomes a catalyst for both my 2-D and 3-D work. The objects I create present themselves from common materials, single ordinary units, which can then envelop a person both physically (as a chair or blanket) and as an installation (as baskets). The exploratory nature of my process is a constantly changing and expanding ring encompassing my life and those I meet. Dot. Dot. Dot.